“Learning gives Creativity, Creativity leads to thinking, thinking provides knowledge, knowledge makes you great.” : Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam
I have great pleasure in presenting to you our prospectus with details of academic programme. I feel Privileged to be blessed with a huge responsibility of spreading the light of knowledge and shaping innumerable lives here.
14 Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow
Dear Readers,
Welcome to Royal Public School HBR Layout, Bangalore.
Education is one of the basic activities in every society. It is essential for everyone. It is the level of education that helps people earn respect and recognition. In my opinion, it is indispensable part of life both personally and socially. The importance of education is undeniable for every single person. It goes without saying that education has a positive effect on human life. Education can be considered as a process of discovering new things that a person was not previously aware of and increasing knowledge. Education carries people to greatness. It is an essential thing in life because it empowers people with knowledge, enables them to contribute to the society, earn money, and be independent.
We at Royal public school place the progress and well being of our students at the centre of everything we undertake. The school is a Place where children are encouraged to say “See it, I get it, I can do it”. Our philosophy of education has always been meeting the needs of the individual child. Children acquire skills and knowledge easily if we can make the surrounding stimulating and purposeful. In the 21st century, the Digital Revolution affects us all. Quite simply, it is changing everything: a brilliant barrage of information, entertainment, companionship and education is speedily available. In such a surrounding when work and effort is valued, the child’s self-esteem is heightened, and from this results self-motivation. We try to understand and work with each child, and we firmly believe that it is our responsibility to enable the child in our care to develop as a whole.
We nurture the creative spirit inherent in every child. A variety of facilities and opportunities are provided to our students so that they may hone their skills and maximize their potential. Their ability to produce work of a superlative nature is what never ceases to amaze us. Our children are our strength and inspiration. They challenge us to give our best and thereby enrich the learning experience at school. In this era of cut throat competition, it is of paramount importance to impart an integrated education to the future citizens of the Nation for successfully facing multitasking. Royal public school therefore, lay special emphasis on both co-curricular and extra-curricular activities providing students an edge over others to be a leader in their respective field of activity. We aim at providing an enriching, engaging, and challenging curriculum that will prepare students for success while at school and for the years that follow. I strongly feel that students, parents and teachers all play a vital role in helping students reach their greatest potential. Students are encouraged to take advantage of the many resources available to them- their teachers, the library, the computer labs, and the Digital classes, Play Ground.
We believe that education is a process that should foster creativity,. Independent thinking, exploration and experimentation as a lifelong process all without compromising on sound ethical values. Hence we educate the minds as well as the hearts of the children. Our mission is to provide best qualitative education in nurturing, caring and safe environment to facilitate the overall positive transformation of the child. Our goal is to make our motto “Learners today, Leaders tomorrow” the dream and reality of our students. A leader creates an inspiring vision of the future. Motivates and inspires people to engage with that vision. Thus as educators we feel it is our responsibility to be a guiding stone to our students reach their goals.